We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) to be observed by all believers until His return. (Matthew 28:19; Luke 22:19-20; Acts 10:47-48).
We believe that the ordinance of baptism is immersion of the believer in water as it sets forth the essential facts in redemption – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the essential resurrection to newness of life. (Romans 6:4; Acts 8:26-39).
All Members must be baptized. If you have never received Christian Baptism, you will be given the opportunity to attend a special class where instruction about Holy Baptism is given and in preparation for the baptismal service.
Baptismal Services are held every 1st Sunday of the month (unless otherwise noted).
- To wear into the pool: ALL CLOTHING SHOULD BE WHITE
Full set of undergarments
Full length pants or sweat pants and shirt/T-shirt
White socks
Swim caps/shower caps may be worn by persons who desire them.
- To wear after baptizing:
Towel for drying
Complete set of undergarments
Complete set of outer garments
For more information contact church office (215) 232-3900.